Penny's Story

A cute little drummer living her dream.

Wow, that’s slippery…

So, this is totally one of those TMI topics that I talked about in my last post. I’ll try not to be overly graphic, but this is one of those things that I wish I had known more about before my surgery, so I think it’s important to share.


So, yea, fore warned and all that…

One of the things that I really had no idea about was how my vagina would respond during intimate relations. When I dilate I use lube; a pretty good helping of lube, actually. Dilating is sort of still a “medical chore” to my mind and body. Sex, on the other hand, is joyful recreation. I wondered whether I would need lube when I have sex.

I don’t.

To quote Darling Boyfriend from after the first time we fooled around: “I wondered if they’d be able to make a self-lubricating vagina… They can.”

I’m still amazed by the surgery that transformed my body. I guess on some levels I thought I was going to end up with an inside-out bag. I would have been happy with that, honestly. Hell, I would have been fairly happy just getting rid of the ~horrid stuff~ I used to have. I never dreamed how normal my body would be. I had no expectation that all that internal stuff could work so well. I hadn’t completely processed that my vagina was going to be so much like any other woman’s. Dr. Bowers is pretty much my hero. It’s mind-blowing. And awesome.



  Rebecca wrote @

Penny, I’ve definitely heard “wow, you’re wet” more than once recently. I was concerned that I would be seriously dry, but that doesn’t seem to be an issue, inside nor out.

I have to go back to see Dr. Bowers in about 3 weeks, to fix an issue with my clitoris. Other than that, I’m so so so happy with what she’s done for me!!!

  pickypenelope wrote @



  lisalee18wheeler wrote @

Sound’s like the skin changed a bit. Having to use lube all the time is tiresome and somewhat messy. I get a little moist inside but not enough for “organic dilation”.

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